Saturday, July 28, 2012

Why Bella? Why?

Kristen Stewart and Rupert Sanders: "Cold as Ice"
Here's a link for more Kristen Stewart news

Today we have two Monsterous individuals to talk about!

My Celebrity Monstrous Monsters today are the cheating duo Kristen Stewart and Rupert Sanders.  News about Kristen Stewart's affair with "Snow white and the huntsman" director has been in every celebrity gossip magazine and I'm tired of hearing about it a little. That doesn't mean I'm not gone talk about it though.

Everyone is shocked that she would cheat on Edward Cullins WITH A MARRIED MEN.  It's something NOONE saw coming.  We have yet to hear a word from Robert Patterson and how he's dealing with this betrayal.

No word on the state of the relationship but I'm honestly not that invested in Celebrity relationships, I have problems of my own.

The reason I bestowed the title of Monstrous Monster on Kristen Stewart and Rupert Sanders are for two reasons:

1. Cheating is never okay! It's a selfish act and shows no concern for the other party, in the relationship, who actually is under the impression that the other person is being faithful to them.

2. There is noway I can sit through this last twilight movie knowing Kristen cheated on Robert! She ruined the movie :(

Shark Attack

For more info on this story click here

Nothing is more frightening, to me, than a shark!  I can barely motivate my little body to get into large bodies of water without thinking about a shark movie.  That's where my problem lies!  I love horror movies and anything that gives me a chill.  I'm big and bad when I'm watching them but then I transform into Chucky Pickles, from rugrats, when I'm put into a situation, like swimming at the beach.

As of recently shark attacks have been on the rise and this is scarier than any horror movie.  Sharks are monsters when they attack and that's what happened last week when Ben Linden, 24, was taken by a 4m great white while surfing near Wedge Island, 160km north of Perth, last weekend.

His friend, Matt Holmes, witnessed the attack from his jet ski and tried to pull the remains out of the water.  Now Matt is too traumatised to surf or get back in the water.

So be careful when your surfing, swimming, or jet sking.  You can never be too careful.
Sharks are monstrous monsters so be aware of your surroundings when you're in the water.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Evil Has Many Faces

"I need something stronger!"
The other night my roommate and I decided to watch a movie on NetFlix.  After searching forever we came across the 1993 movie "The Good Son" starring Elijah Wood and Macaulay Culkin.

Talk about child actors...Macaulay Culkin was in his prime and Elijah Wood held his own against the then "it" child star.

This movie was a great psychological thriller and it gave us the Monstrous Monster know as Henry Evans, played by Macaulay Culkin.  I felt so many emotions for this character: hatred, fear, and oddly sympathetic.  This kid was obviously hurting inside but never really showed it. Instead he inflicted pain on others and had an abnormal fascination with death.

His rampage started out light then increased throughout the movie.  First he injured the neighbor's dog, then threw a dummy onto the highway causing a car pile up, later he threatened to hurt his own mother because she wasn't his mother any more, and he attempted to kill his sister by throwing her onto shallow ice while ice skating.

Henry Evans is a Monstrous Monster and at the conclusion of the movie his mother has to decided on whether to save her nephew-in-law (Elijah Wood) or her son Henry.  I was on the edge of the bed waiting to see who she would save.

I recommend this movie to all those who haven't seen it yet.  It's old but worth the watch.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

James Holmes: Colorado Theater Shooter.

James Holmes in court
For more information on the Colorado theater shootings click here

My post are usually light-hearted, comical, and not that serious.  This post is a little different because it deals with serious subject matter and a real life Monstrous Monster.  James Holmes is the young men who shot 70 people in a darkened theater in Colorado and killed 12 of them.

What would make a person do such a thing?  How much hatred can one have in their heart to go out and kill innocent people whom they don't even know?  These are probably questions that a lot of people are wondering and the only one who can answer these questions is James Holmes.

James Holmes appeared to be an average 24 year old Graduate Student, according to reports, and never displayed any signs of dangerous behavior.  You never know what a person is capable of until something like this happens.  What makes the story even more cringe worthy is that he was on an adult friend finder website looking to meet women for casual relationships and quoted himself to be a nice guy.  Be careful who you talk to on the internet.

James Holmes is a real life monster! (I'm unable to give him the title of a Monstrous Monster because that title is for light-hearted post.) He will have to live with the consequences and the actions of his decision for the rest of his life.  I'm sure he'll have plenty of time to think about it.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the families and friends of the victims from that night.
Stay strong and know that we will see each other again one day.

True Blood! Monster's Can Love Too!

Baby Vamp "Tara" and her Maker "Pam"
For a recap of True blood: Season 5, episode 7 click here

Okay, So I've been a fan of True Blood since the first season and I've stayed loyal every season.  I'm still loyal but due to the lack of HBO I have to rely on recaps of what's going on, with my True Blood family, for the fifth season.

So I know at the end of Season 4 Tara sacrificed her life to save her best friend, Sookie, from that crazy "werewolf/V addict" Debby.  I wasn't sure how they were going to bring back the troubled Tara but the writer's had a stroke of genius and transformed her into A Monstrous Monster.   As a human Tara already had a lot of anger problems and hatred in heart because of all the events that occurred in her life: Her boyfriend Eggs died in season 2, She was rapped and kidnapped by the psychopath Vampire known as Franklin, her never ending drama with her mother, being held hostage by a powerful witch, and some more things that I can't remember right now.

Now Tara's a vampire! Didn't she have a strong dislike for vampires in the past three seasons?  I know she's being a little monstrous trying to deal with this new stage in her life.

This isn't the only storyline that I'm interested in but from what I read it seems to be more heartfelt and it shows a different side to Tara and, her maker, Pam. God I love Pam! She deserves a spin off or something because with every scene, that I've seen in the past, she steals the show.  Both Pam and Tara are a force alone but together they're Monstrous Monster's Squared.  I can't wait to see what kind of situations they get into together as the series continue on.

What is intriguing me about the Pam/Tara relationship is the fact that they're actually building one.  We know the history of Tara and Pam and at one point, before Tara was a vampire, they wanted to kill one another.  The start of their relationship took off when Pam saved Tara's life as a favor to Sookie.  After that it seemed like new baby vamp Tara would be on her own adjusting to her new life.  Sure Pam stepped in when Tara tried to kill herself by tanning but other than that Pam seemed to busy for Tara.  The latest episode is where we see this relationship actually transform into a sincere one.

After being told by her mother that "you're dead to me!" Tara is naturally heartbroken and angry which leads to a fight at the vampire bar fantasia.  Pam breaks up the fight and has a one on one with Tara where she announces that she is proud of her and her tenacity.  After Tara unloads the conversation between her and her mother to Pam, Pam responds with "A hundred years from now, you won't even remember her." With her vampire speed Tara rushes up and gives Pam a hug, their first actual hug.  In this moment we see humanity in these monsters and they're very likable together.

I'm looking forward to seeing more of these Monstrous Monsters. I approve!

Mariah Carey Joins American Idol!

"I'm The head HBIC"

Find out more about Mariah's deal here.

Pray for us ALL!!!!  Now I love's me some Mariah Carey and what's not to love?  The beauty (1991-2006), The voice (incredible), and the way she exercises in 6 inch heels on the eliptical machine (thank you Mtv cribs) can make any man fall to his knees.

However, under all of that pulchritude and appeal lies something more sinister, deep down inside our beloved Mariah Carey dwells a Monstrous Monster!  So what makes Mrs. Carey a Monstrous Monster?  Is it the Diva behavior and attitude that she seems to take everywhere, maybe?  Is it all the outrageous demands that she makes when she goes out, could be?

There are a plethora of things that could make Mariah a Monstrous Monster but how she earned the title today is from recent reports confirming her seat on, the Sinking Reality Television Show, AMERICAN IDOL!  I know, I know.  How does this make her a monster?  To start with Mariah carey was a mentor once for American Idol and the production and crew hated her.  They said it was difficult working with her and she showed up two hours late to mentor the contestants. Really Mariah?  Mariah also demanded that she make more than what J.Lo did during her American Idol stint.  In defense to Mariah I agree with this because J.lo shouldn't had been a judge for a singing competition in the first place (waiting for tonight anyone?).

If the reports are anywhere close to what I am hearing she will be a full blown creature by the time the show starts.  I wonder how she'll torture, I mean mold, the contestants and what advice she will give after each "ear popping" performance.

Whatever she does I will be watching because Mariah Carey is sure to bring some entertainment to this dying show.  Mariah Carey, a Monstrous Monster that I love to watch.