Tuesday, July 24, 2012

True Blood! Monster's Can Love Too!

Baby Vamp "Tara" and her Maker "Pam"
For a recap of True blood: Season 5, episode 7 click here

Okay, So I've been a fan of True Blood since the first season and I've stayed loyal every season.  I'm still loyal but due to the lack of HBO I have to rely on recaps of what's going on, with my True Blood family, for the fifth season.

So I know at the end of Season 4 Tara sacrificed her life to save her best friend, Sookie, from that crazy "werewolf/V addict" Debby.  I wasn't sure how they were going to bring back the troubled Tara but the writer's had a stroke of genius and transformed her into A Monstrous Monster.   As a human Tara already had a lot of anger problems and hatred in heart because of all the events that occurred in her life: Her boyfriend Eggs died in season 2, She was rapped and kidnapped by the psychopath Vampire known as Franklin, her never ending drama with her mother, being held hostage by a powerful witch, and some more things that I can't remember right now.

Now Tara's a vampire! Didn't she have a strong dislike for vampires in the past three seasons?  I know she's being a little monstrous trying to deal with this new stage in her life.

This isn't the only storyline that I'm interested in but from what I read it seems to be more heartfelt and it shows a different side to Tara and, her maker, Pam. God I love Pam! She deserves a spin off or something because with every scene, that I've seen in the past, she steals the show.  Both Pam and Tara are a force alone but together they're Monstrous Monster's Squared.  I can't wait to see what kind of situations they get into together as the series continue on.

What is intriguing me about the Pam/Tara relationship is the fact that they're actually building one.  We know the history of Tara and Pam and at one point, before Tara was a vampire, they wanted to kill one another.  The start of their relationship took off when Pam saved Tara's life as a favor to Sookie.  After that it seemed like new baby vamp Tara would be on her own adjusting to her new life.  Sure Pam stepped in when Tara tried to kill herself by tanning but other than that Pam seemed to busy for Tara.  The latest episode is where we see this relationship actually transform into a sincere one.

After being told by her mother that "you're dead to me!" Tara is naturally heartbroken and angry which leads to a fight at the vampire bar fantasia.  Pam breaks up the fight and has a one on one with Tara where she announces that she is proud of her and her tenacity.  After Tara unloads the conversation between her and her mother to Pam, Pam responds with "A hundred years from now, you won't even remember her." With her vampire speed Tara rushes up and gives Pam a hug, their first actual hug.  In this moment we see humanity in these monsters and they're very likable together.

I'm looking forward to seeing more of these Monstrous Monsters. I approve!

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