Friday, August 3, 2012

Acid Attacks And Poison: Terrorist Scare Afghan School Girls.

For full story click here

My heart goes out to the young girls in Afghanistan who want an education.

Terrorist groups in Afghanistan believes that boys are the backbone of their country and demand that the girl's school be transformed into a boy's school.  Just terrible!

The Zabuli Education Center refuses to back down and state that you can't be afraid of people.  I can see why they're holding their ground and they should, everyone should be allowed to recieve an education regardless of sex and race.

Due to their refusal to confirm to the terrorist demands the students are being attacked by these monsters.

Girls who attempt to go to school have acid thrown in their face, gernades thrown in class, and their drinking water poisoned.

It's a really sad and frigthening thing that these girls have to go through just to recieve in education.

I hope these terriost can be stopped.

Katherine Jackson And The Jackson Drama

The Jacksons
Click here for the story

So, what in the name of Michael is going on with this family?

Kathrine Jackson was reported missing by her grandchildren, whom she had custody of, and had no idea what was going on!

Kathrine stated she didn't have any idea what was happening until she heard a television news report about her...Say What?  She had no television where she was at or a working phone to call out on.

This was the working of her children...Janet Jackson and the others!

Why they would do this makes no sense and because of their actions Katherine has lost temporary caretaker rights of Michael's kids.  Which is probably in their best interest.

So Kathrine Jackson is not a monster for what is going on, she's a victim like the kids are, but her children who took her away from her grandchildren are!

You hear that Janet?  I expected better from you Girl!

Your niece and nephews lost their dad and now you want to take their caretaker away from them?

This family needs to get it together and fast.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Paranormal Activity 4


I liked the first Paranormal Activity because it was fresh, new, and it really scared me.  I watched the second one because i wanted to learn more about the monstrous demon that was after the family.  After being so invested in this story I had to watch the third one!

Now they're making a fourth Paranormal Activity! Is that really something we need?
I thought we explained what was going on? Nonetheless, they have decided to release a part four and unfortunately I will be watching it when it's released!

I've really devoted alot of time in these movies so I have to finish it out and stick with it.
I don't know much about the stroyline in this one but I'm sure they'll tie all three movies together.

So enjoy the preview and the monstrous demon that doesn't seem to want to leave!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

"Sentenced: 12 Years In Prison For Ann Pettway"

"Ann Pettway Mug Shot"

Yesterday Ann Pettway was sentenced to TWELVE YEARS in prison for kidnapping a child in 1987 and raising that child.

I figured the judge would give her the full sentenced considering how much pain and grief she placed upon the child's biological parents.

The monster, Ann Pettway, will have twelve years to think about the consequences of her actions from 1987.  The past sometimes catches up with you!

Good Luck girl!

"Flash Mob: Teens Rob Store In Daylight!"

Really?  I'm all for a good flash mob but using it for evil is no bueno!

300 Mini Monstrous Monsters flash mobbed a Florida Walmart and stole $1500 worth of goods.  If you're creative enough to design a plan to rob a store then I'm sure you can use your creative juices to get a freaking job.

None of the teens have been caught yet, I could be wrong, but they should be punished for the stupidity that they displayed in this video...Our youth, help us Jesus!

Also if $1500 worth of goods were taken and there were 300 teens that means, if my basic math skills are correct, they stole $5 worth of goods each :(

They should be ashamed, they could at least aimed higher.

Shame on you teen mini monsters, shame!

Shark Attack At Cape Cod

I've said it before and I'll say it again be careful when you're in the water!

Sharks are monstrous beings and I think they're becoming more brave, these days, with all of the recent attacks. 

On Monday a man, Christopher Myers, was attacked by a shark near the popular coast off of Cape Cod.  Surgeon's believe it was a bull shark and the victim is lucky that he's walking away with all his limbs attached.  Witnesses saw the man fight the shark off and watched in horror as this event occurred.

Be careful in the water

The Woman In black

Daniel RadCliffe
Last night my roommate and I decided to travel to redbox, for a good movie to watch, and what did we stumble upon? THE WOMAN IN BLACK!

I enjoyed this movie more than I expected!  Not because Harry Potter was the main character and I was expecting Emma Watson to make an appearance. I enjoyed the storyline and the conclusion was really shocking and touching.

Throughout the movie The Woman in black, a vengeful monstrous spirit, killed young kids because her child died a century ago and she wanted parents to feel her pain and rage.  

In walks Harry Potter to solve the case of the kid's death.  Throughout the movie he continually encounters the spirit (who by the way is getting a little tired of him interfering with her work) while she is attempting to claim a child's life.

This happens a lot so I'll skip all the details....You're welcome!

So near the end The Woman in Black decides to take her rage out on Daniel Raddcliffe's son when he and his step-mother come into town to visit.

I won't spoil the movie for those who haven't seen it but it's a really interesting scene and touching.

Give The Woman In Black a watch and view this monstrous spirit in all her evil ways.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Monsters University

They're back


I'm super excited about Monsters University and it's release!  I love a good cartoon and Pixar hardly ever lets me down so i know the prequel to Monsters inc will be a hit.

These are monstrous monsters that i could squeeze to death.  I don't know much about the premise of the movie but apparently you have to go to college before you can hide in a child's bedroom closet, who knew?

Monsters University comes out November 2, 2012!

True Blood: Somebody That I Use To Know!

"We look GOOD!!!"

For a recap click here

Well it's Monday and you know what that means....True blood recap, YAY!!!

So what have our humans, monsters, and sweet little fairy been up to?

Side note: I still can't watch true blood on Sundays so I have to read recaps until the episode is posted online, I suck!

Well I'm still on team Pam and Tara.  They're stealing the show and need to have more air time.  After Tara confronted an old high school classmate she assumed her maker, Pam, was disappointed in her but quite the opposite. Pam rewards Tara for her gumption by tying up the high-school friend and glamouring her into being Tara's human slave to feast on.  Pam has great lines and never disappoints, after Tara thought she disappointed her Pam replied "You don't know me that well. My mad face and my happy face are the same."

Also this episode Sookie embraces her fairyness and starts to have visions of her parent's death at the hand, or fangs, of a vampire.  The vampire later tells Sookie he's coming for her.

Another story line that I read was the wedding ceremony where the vampires had a feast on the humans.  One line, that i read, came from a vampire proclaiming that he needed a baby and that Lilith wants him to eat a baby.

What's this fascination that monsters have with babies (check out my last post)?

True blood comes on Sundays at 9 p.m

NY Woman To Be Sentenced For Kidnapping.

 What do these two have in common?

 Lilith is a female demon, of the night, who travels around searching for newborn children to kidnap or strangle.  Which makes Lilith, what else?, a monstrous monster.

Ann Pettway is the world's modern day Lilith.  Around 1987 Ann snatched a newborn baby from a New York City hospital  and raised her as her own.  At least she didn't strangle her so let's keep everything in perspective here.  Ann Pettway will learn her fate sometime today from a Manhattan Federal Court Judge....It's not looking too good for you buddy!

She's not really giving an explanation to why she stole the child but admits that it was wrong.  For twenty-three years the child's birth parents have went through pain and heartache.  I'm sure the Judge will keep this in my mind!

As part of a plea bargain, prosecutors recommended between 10 and 12 years in prison.  Sentencing is scheduled for 2:30 p.m. Monday.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Mass. Dad Shoots Self and Two Kids

The face of evil
For more information click here

Daryl Benway Is the man who killed himself after he shot his two kids.  How can anyone shoot their kids and for what reason?  It takes an evil, monstrous, hateful individual to hurt innocent kids.

After Daryl Benway shot and killed his seven year old daughter he shot his nine year old son, in the head, in the kitchen.  Daryl would later go on to shoot and kill himself.

Daryl Benaway was recently divorced from his wife, who later found about the situation when she got home, and neighbors described him as a happy-go-lucky guy.

Prayers go out to the Mother of the kids and to the family.