Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Wade Michael Page:Gunman In Sikh Temple Shooting

Wade Michael Page

Police say on Monday Wade Michael Page was responsible for the shooting at Sikh Temple that left seven dead.  I posted earlier about this event but nothing was know about the shooter at the time.

We now know that the shooter is Wade Michael Page and that he is a 40 year old Army Vet.  Say What?  This is truely a shock.

Officials, from a Sunday press conference, say the incident is being treated as domestic terrorism. The FBI is overseeing the criminal investigation and The Los Angels Times is reporting that the shooting suspect had tattoos that lead them to label the incident as domestic terrorism.

For more info on the story click here

True Blood Recap

Everyone wants to rule the world!
Why don't I have HBO? 

So A new episode of True blood came on Sunday and once again I missed it.  I'm not doing so well this season.

From reading all the post it seems like a little people are feeling the same way I am: Monstrous Vampire Pam is the star of the show.  Pam has always had great lines every since the show started and as it goes on the better they get.  A great Pam line from Sunday came after new Baby Vamp Tara told her she could take to her if she ever missed Erica.  Pam replied "Just because we ate a b---- together does not mean we are Oprah and Gayle."

Can't wait to see that online.

Click here for a recap on True Blood

Monday, August 6, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises: Monstrous Bane

Tom Hardy as Bane

I finally decide to go to the movies and see "The Dark Knight Rises" and I must say....I really enjoyed it!

Yes, the movie was a long watch but somehow I managed to sit through it and allowed myself to become capativated with the story and the characters.  I was taken aback at how invested I was in the antagonist Bane.

Many may know Bane from the comics that he was featured and know his backstory.  For those who don't Bane was born in the fictional Caribbean Republic of Santa Prisca, in a prison called Peña Dura which translate to "The Hard Rock."  Bane's father had escaped the government and therefore the government decided to punish his son by forcing him to serve his father's sentence.

That's pretty harsh.....and so the government is responsible for this monstrous monster kids!

Though imprisoned, his natural abilities allowed him to develop extraordinary skills within the prison's walls. He read as many books as he could get his hands on, built up his body in the prison's gym, and learned to fight in the merciless school of prison life.  In the movie they give a little information on this but not in full detail.

Anyway Bane is this unstoppable force, at one point I felt like he was coming for me, and he breaks batman and imprisons him in the prison that he grew up in. 

I don't want to spoil the movie but I will see it's worth the watch.  I will also say that Tom Hardy did a great job at playing the role of Monstrous Monster Bane.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Seven Dead At Wisconsin Sikh Temple

The world really is a bad place!

It seems like every time you turn your head there's another big headline about a shooting.  CNN reported today that seven people, including a gunman shot by a police officer, have been killed in an attack on worshippers at a Sikh temple in the Milwaukee suburb of Oak Creek, Wisconsin.

First attacks at theaters and now attacks at places of worship...You're not really safe anywhere!

Be careful wherever you go because they're are too many evil, cold hearted people out there waiting to attack people just for the sake of attacking.

For more information click here