Tuesday, August 7, 2012

True Blood Recap

Everyone wants to rule the world!
Why don't I have HBO? 

So A new episode of True blood came on Sunday and once again I missed it.  I'm not doing so well this season.

From reading all the post it seems like a little people are feeling the same way I am: Monstrous Vampire Pam is the star of the show.  Pam has always had great lines every since the show started and as it goes on the better they get.  A great Pam line from Sunday came after new Baby Vamp Tara told her she could take to her if she ever missed Erica.  Pam replied "Just because we ate a b---- together does not mean we are Oprah and Gayle."

Can't wait to see that online.

Click here for a recap on True Blood

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