Friday, August 24, 2012

Shooting Near The Empire State Building, Two Dead!

Shooting near the Empire State Building

I seriously don't understand what's going on in this day and time. 

According to ABC NEWS, Fifty-three year-old Johnson lost his job last year during a corporate downsizing at Hazan Imports. He returned to his office Friday morning to target his former supervisor.  It's been a whole year and now he reacts and not in a positive manner.  Johnson followed his former supervisor down the street and shot him outside of a bar.

Later Johnson was stopped by cops, after a witness called the police, and let out fire on them and he was then gunned down and killed.  Johnson and his supervisor were both killed and others were injured (supposedly by the cops by accident).

This kind of monstrous behavior never ends well and now a family is without a father and husband.  Always think first before you do something that can alter someone's life and your own.

For my information click here

Aokigahara "The Suicide Forest"

Body in the Aokigahara Forest

Aokigahara (don't worry i can't pronounce it either) is a monstrous forest in japan where people go to kill themselves.  The forest seems ominous and is a lonely place to go whenever you want to end your life.

Suicide is never a joke and this is really heartbreaking that so many people would go to this forest to kill themselves.  I don't know how hard it is in Japan but it's hard enough that they would go to this lengths to end their life.

Each year over 100 bodies are found and they're are even more that are not located.  Some remains that have been found still have clothes intacted, even though their just bones.

To everyone, specifically those in japan, suicide is not the answer.  Stay away from those monstrous woods.  Everything gets better in time.

For an article on the Aokigahan Forest click here

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day Care Workers Allow 3-Year-Olds To Fight

Tiana Harris, Estefania Myers, and Lisa Parker's Mug shot

Say what?  This is so despicable!  The three monstrous beings photographed above were arrested and face two counts each of second-degree assault and reckless endangerment as well as nine counts of endangering the welfare of a child and one count each of conspiracy.  According to NBC Philadelphia.

After a cell phone video surfaced of these monsters allowing 3 year old's to fight ,the day care was suspended and the women were arrested.  Rightfully so!

I don't know what kind of mothers these women are, if they are mothers, but child services should do an investigation.

So sad.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Pussy Riot Arrested For Performance Against Russia Government

The Band Pussy Riot

I don't know how i haven't heard of the band PUSSY RIOT before this incident.  Pussy riot is a Russian Feminist punk rock band based in Moscow.

On August 17, 2012 three members were convicted of hooliganism motivated by religious hatred from a performance they held in February showing their opposition to to the Russian President ,Vladimir Putin, and the politics of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Pussy Riot has gained many supports, such as Madonna, who believes their sentence is too harsh and cruel.  They are currently in jail and are being treated harshly in prison by the guards.

For a full Article click here

Why are they being sentenced so harshly and does that make the government officials of Russia monstrous for using their power to enforce a sentence that is unjust to prove a point to others?

I think so and what happened to expressing yourself and your beliefs in your political view?

Okpo Land, The Abandoned Amusement Park. Why Do Spirits Hang Around?

Okpo Land Roller Coaster

A place that i would love to visit is Okpo Land.  It's an Abandoned Amusement Park in Okpo City, Geoje Island, South Korea.  It has a really creepy setting, and eerie vibe, and a haunting back story.

Okpo Land closed in 1999 do to STRANGE ACCIDENTS.  A lot of the accidents haven't been told but the last accident that happend caused the amusement park to close. The last accident occurred when a young girl tragically fell to her death from a ride and immediately after that incident, the owner of the park disappeared and was never heard from again.

Many people try to visit this attraction and i hope to see it one day, I love Creepy things!  There hasn't been any sightings but with all the horrible accidents i wonder why not?

Some spirits are monstrous and their intentions are malicious and malevolent but some spirits are just lost and can't cross over.

Some people may experience a death scene so terrifying that the tragic scene is held in their mind. For example a young girl on a roller coaster ride falling to her death. The thought is so deeply set in the spirit's mind that it is unable to release the memory.  That fear may be so strong that it creates a barrier that prevents the person from passing over into the light. Since the spirit cannot cross over into the light it remains earthbound as a spirit. 

Which is why some spirits might stay around.  What do you think?