Friday, August 3, 2012

Katherine Jackson And The Jackson Drama

The Jacksons
Click here for the story

So, what in the name of Michael is going on with this family?

Kathrine Jackson was reported missing by her grandchildren, whom she had custody of, and had no idea what was going on!

Kathrine stated she didn't have any idea what was happening until she heard a television news report about her...Say What?  She had no television where she was at or a working phone to call out on.

This was the working of her children...Janet Jackson and the others!

Why they would do this makes no sense and because of their actions Katherine has lost temporary caretaker rights of Michael's kids.  Which is probably in their best interest.

So Kathrine Jackson is not a monster for what is going on, she's a victim like the kids are, but her children who took her away from her grandchildren are!

You hear that Janet?  I expected better from you Girl!

Your niece and nephews lost their dad and now you want to take their caretaker away from them?

This family needs to get it together and fast.

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