Saturday, July 28, 2012

Why Bella? Why?

Kristen Stewart and Rupert Sanders: "Cold as Ice"
Here's a link for more Kristen Stewart news

Today we have two Monsterous individuals to talk about!

My Celebrity Monstrous Monsters today are the cheating duo Kristen Stewart and Rupert Sanders.  News about Kristen Stewart's affair with "Snow white and the huntsman" director has been in every celebrity gossip magazine and I'm tired of hearing about it a little. That doesn't mean I'm not gone talk about it though.

Everyone is shocked that she would cheat on Edward Cullins WITH A MARRIED MEN.  It's something NOONE saw coming.  We have yet to hear a word from Robert Patterson and how he's dealing with this betrayal.

No word on the state of the relationship but I'm honestly not that invested in Celebrity relationships, I have problems of my own.

The reason I bestowed the title of Monstrous Monster on Kristen Stewart and Rupert Sanders are for two reasons:

1. Cheating is never okay! It's a selfish act and shows no concern for the other party, in the relationship, who actually is under the impression that the other person is being faithful to them.

2. There is noway I can sit through this last twilight movie knowing Kristen cheated on Robert! She ruined the movie :(

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