Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Kiss: Is Voodoo Really Evil?

A lot of you may not be familiar with the 1988 Film “The Kiss.” I remember watching it in the 90’s and being so consumed in the movie. The story, The gore, the little parasite coming out of the woman’s mouth! Yeah It was really gross.

You can catch a good film review from Dr Blood's Video Vault.

For those who don’t know the movie I’ll give you a quick summary:

 The movie is set in the
United Statess and Africa (where we start to fall into the voodoo theme of the movie) and we are introduced to two of the main characters (young sisters), Hilary and Felice Dunbar. Later we go into the late 1980’s where Hilary lives with her husband Jack Halloran and teenage daughter Amy. When Hilary receives an unexpected phone call from her estranged sister Felice, who is now a globe-travelling model, Amy‘s life is forever changed. The two arrange to meet, yet Hilary dies in a gruesome car accident soon after inviting Felice to visit her family in Albany. Felice shows up anyway five months later, swiftly seduces Jack, kills a few interlopers, and makes quick enemies with her niece Amy in order to pass a bloodline that requires a kiss.
So with that being said: "Is Voodoo and those who use it monstrous and evil?"

Looking at this movie you would assume voodoo is evil because of the curse that the family endured because of voodoo. However I have a different opinion. Yes, Voodoo can be used in a monstrous way by an evil person but voodoo in it’s self isn’t evil. According to BBC NEWS Followers, of voodoo, believe in a supreme God and spirits who link the human with the divine and also use the religion to heal the sick and make medicine to cure certain diseases. Once banned, voodoo is now an official religion in Benin, where the practice was born and About 60% of the country's seven million people practice the religion. Forms of voodoo also exist in Togo, Ghana, Haiti and Brazil.

There’s a lot that we don’t understand about voodoo but what makes voodoo monstrous or divine depends on the person using it.

What are your thoughts?

You can read an article by clicking on the link below.


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