Saturday, August 18, 2012

Are Demons and Spirits A Part Of Our Reality?

Jesus casting out Demons

Okay I'm a believer in supernatural and spirtual things but have i experienced any of it? No!

I believe it can happen but i never witness it.  I had one experience where i woke up at night but i couldn't move my body and it felt like someone was sitting on me but noone was there.  My friends said it was a spirit or "The Witch riding my back" whatever that means.  I honestly think my mind just woke up but my body was sleep so i couldn't move.

Scientist calls this sleep paralysis 

Whenever something supernatural happens there always seem to be a scientific explanation for it so are demons and spirits a part of our reality?

I believe in it but i'm not sure because i haven't encountered anything.  However that's like saying "I believe there really is air around us but i never really seen it."

We know in the bible that demons exist because Jesus rose early one day of the week and appeared to Mary Magdalene driven seven demons out of her.  Not trying to go religious on you!

So what do ya'll think?

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