Monday, October 1, 2012

Suspected Pedophiles Are To Be Notified To The Police By Boy Scouts

Trying to prevent Pedophiles from Boy Scout

According to

The Boy Scouts of America plan to begin doing what critics argue they should have done decades ago — bring suspected abusers named in the organization's so-called perversion files to the attention of police departments and sheriff's offices across the country.
This should have been done in the very beginning.  It's sad to think of the many children that had to suffer at the hands of a monster that get's off on abusing little kids.  Scouts reported that they did all that they could do to prevent abuse within their organization by tracking pedophiles and using information to keep them out of their organization but some have sadly slipped through the cracks and got closer to the scouts.

The Boy Scout's is suppose to be a safe haven for young boys. It's suppose to be a time of fun and new learning experiences and for it to be tarnished by monsters who scheme to get closer to them is a  tragedy.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Tennessee Fraternity Suspended After Alcohol Enemas

Sorry that I've been gone folks but I'm back!

According to The University of Tennessee says it has suspended a fraternity chapter indefinitely and may refocus its alcohol education programs after police said a student was hospitalized following a weekend incident involving alcohol enemas.  So more then likely there was some hazing going on, a monstrous activity.

Hazing leads to all kinds of trouble and in some cases death.  I understand picking on pledge members of giving them a hard time but it should never reach the point of hazing.

Knoxville police say they began investigating after a student was taken to the UT Medical Center in critical condition early Saturday with a blood alcohol level of 0.40 which is five times the legal cutoff for driving.

This is not okay!

How do you feel about hazing?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Afghan Militants: Deadly Blast Was Revenge For Film

Wreckage after suicide bombing of a car

There's been alot of monstrous activity and violence surrounding this film that mocked the Prophet Mohammad.

A short film made with private funds in the United States and posted on the Internet has ignited days of demonstrations in the Arab world, Africa, Asia and in some Western countries.

On Tuesday, a suicide bomber blew up a minivan near the airport in the Afghan capital and a spokesman for the Hezb-e-Islami insurgent group claimed responsibility.

Let's hope this dies down because it is becoming extreme and violence is never the answer people.

Here's an article on the bombings.

Taken 2: Liam Neeson Is Back

Still from Taken 2

Oct. 5 Liam Neeson returns as the ex CIA agent who must protect his family from monstrous mobster-type guys out for revenge.

Here's the Synopsis:

Set in Istanbul, Liam Neeson returns as Bryan Mills, the CIA agent with "a particular set of skills" for hunting down bad guys, but this time his daughter (Maggie Grace) has to help rescue him when associates of the villains he killed the first time around decide to get their revenge
 If you remember the first movie his daughter was kidnapped and he turned the city upside down to rescue her.  I'm excited to see how this one will turn out.  Enjoy the preview below.

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2

So the end is almost near for the Monstrous Movie that is known as Twilight.  Understand I have read all the books and have watched all the movies so I'm more than thrilled about Breaking Dawn Part 2.

Despite the recent drama surrounding Kristen Stewert, i don't think it will have a bad effect on how well the movie will do. 

For those whom haven't read the book or watched the movies here's a Synopsis:

 In the highly anticipated next chapter of the blockbuster The Twilight Saga, the newfound married bliss of Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) and vampire Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) is cut short when a series of betrayals and misfortunes threatens to destroy their world. After their wedding, Bella and Edward travel to Rio de Janeiro for their honeymoon, where they finally give in to their passions. Bella soon discovers she is pregnant, and during a nearly fatal childbirth, Edward finally fulfills her wish to become immortal. But the arrival of their remarkable daughter, Renesmee, sets in motion a perilous chain of events that pits the Cullens and their allies against the Volturi, the fearsome council of vampire leaders, setting the stage for an all-out battle
 Will you be watching the last installment of Twilight when it hits theaters November 16th?

Sinister: Horror Movie Like No Other

So Sinister is approaching and if you haven't figured it out yet I love horror movies.  Sinister seems to be the type of movie that I would throughly enjoy.

I just saw the trailer today and here's a Synopsis:

Follows a journalist who moves his family into a house where another family was murdered. After moving in, he uncovers found footage that leads to clues about the murders.
 It looks Monstrously spooky and I will bed in theaters to watch it, will you?

Monday, September 17, 2012

Milla Jovovich's Monstrous Hit "Resident Evil Retribution" Takes The Number One Spot

Milla Jovovich in Resident Evil Retribution

The monstrous action movie Resident Evil Retribution has taken the number one spot at the box office.  Good Job Milla Jovovich!  I'm a huge fan of her acting talent and i love all of the Resident Evil movies, there isn't one I haven't seen.  Besides this one, which i will be seeing Tuesday $5.00 night.

I can barely wait because i know the action is outstanding and i know they will find a way to end it on a high note and prepare us for a part 6.  How long will this franchise go before it loses steam? Have you seen Resident Evil Retribution?

Kate Middleton: Italy Magazine Still Releases Topless Pics

Kate Middleton handing flowers to a girl

A monstrous act by Italy Magazine.  Despite legal actions being taken by the royal family an Italy magazine company has still decided to release topless photos of Kate Middleton.

Guess they don't care about being sued or displaying human decency to others.  The magazine published a 26 page spread of Kate Middleton topless regardless of earlier talk of legal actions. 

No amount of sales of magazine is worth the trouble that this magazine company is causing.  What do you think about the whole situation?

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Amanda Bynes May Have Mental Issues

Amanda Bynes

Early this week we mentioned Amanda Bynes and her monstrous driving but now there might be a more serious issue going on with Amanda Bynes.

It's being reported that Amanda Bynes may have mental issues or she's suffering a mental breakdown.  Amanda's neighbors and members at her gym have stated that she has not been herself and seemed like she was mentally gone.  They reported that she would laugh for no reason while exercising, talk to herself and respond, and conversate with inanimate objects.

People seemed concern but don't want to get involved.  I hope Amanda gets the help she needs because she seems to be a lovely woman and i've always had a soft spot in my heart for her.

Get well Amanda.

Scary Movie 5, Is It Really Happening?

Scary Movie 5

I don't know about this one?

 I'm a huge fan of the Scary Movie franchise and I always enjoy Sidney, Anna Faris, and the antics she gets into.  However, this Monstrous movie doesn't seem to have Sindey in it, or Brenda!

How are you going to have a Scray Movie without Sidney or Brenda? I'm not even sure what the premise of this movie is but I hope it follows it's usual storyline and still has the ability to make me laugh.

I did hear that Lindsey Lohan, Charlie Sheen, and Ashley Tisdale were in it? I don't know if their the stars or just cameo actors?

Will you watch Scary Movie 5 when it's released?

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Kate Middleton Sues "Monstrous" Magazine Over Topless Photos

Kate Middleton and Prince William keep their heads help up

The Royal Family have started legal proceedings over the photos of Kate Middleton.  Rightfully so!
The Family is suing the French Magazine company "Closer", or the publisher, for breach of privacy.

The magazine company released the photos in their magazine and now legal actions are being taken.
I hope Kate Middleton see's a victory in this case because it's not right to invade someone's privacy this way and try to profit off of it.

Click here to read more

Pitch Perfect

Let's hear it for the girls!

September 28th is the open for this comedy/glee-ish movie.  Unlike Glee this is set in a college setting so there should be a little bit more action, maybe!

The preview looks like the movie will be a monstrous comedy and i expect it to do really well at theaters.  I know I'm going to see it.

Here's what the movie is about:
Beca is that girl who'd rather listen to what's coming out of her headphones than what's coming out of you. Arriving at her new college, she finds herself not right for any clique but somehow is muscled into one that she never would have picked on her own: alongside mean girls, sweet girls and weird girls whose only thing in common is how good they sound when they sing together.

When Beca takes this acoustic singing group out of their world of traditional arrangements and perfect harmonies into all-new mash-ups, they fight to climb their way to the top of the cutthroat world of college "a cappella." This could wind up either the coolest thing they'll ever do or the most insane, and it will probably be a little of both.
The movie stars Brittney Snow, Anna Kenndrick, and Rebel Wilson from Bridesmaids.

Friday, September 14, 2012

JoJo's New Album: Monstrous Wait

It's been six years since we've heard a new album from the beautiful singer JoJo.  It's been a monstrous wait and i'm ready for it to be over because i need some JoJo in my life.  A talent like her's is rare! She's beautiful, her vocals are out of this world, and she possess the class of a Queen.

She has recorded a lot of songs during this time and a lot has leaked on youtube.  I've probably listened to all of them and her voice is even better than before.  JoJo come back to us you deserve to be on top and you will be once you drop your new album.

Who else is ready for the return of JoJo?

Kate Middleton Topless Pics

Kate Middleton's brave face during Scandal

Kate Middleton is one classy Princess.  After her topless photo scandal she continues on with a smile and goes through with her tour.

Earlier this week Kate Middleton discovered, along with the rest of the world, that photos of her sunbathing in the privacy of her hotel has surfaced.  Who ever took those pictures is a monster and so is the French Magazine that plan on releasing them.

Keep your head held high Kate. First Prince Harry and now Kate, can the Royal Family get a break?

Amanda Bynes In Another Accident.

Amanda Bynes Mug Shot

She did it again!

No, Not Britney Spears.  Yesterday, September the 13th, Amanda Bynes was involved in a finder bender with the driver of a white car.  Amanda was leaving a parking lot and showcasing her new skills at driving while covering her eyes with her hands.

Her License is already suspended and according to TMZ this isn't the first car accident she has gotting into since the judge has taken them away from her.

At this point I think she's playing a game with us called HOW LONG CAN I GET AWAY WITH THESE HIT AND RUNS?

We'll see on her court date.

The Cabin In The Woods

September the 18th folks write it down, memorize it, take a picture. Whatever!

The Cabin in the woods will soon be yours to own or rent and i'm going to tell you now it's a monstrous good time.  I went to the theaters when this movie came out and i was never bored.

It's not your typical horror movie! It's like a parody of the cliche characters with a good story and concept.  There's a good balance to it and during the middle the action really get's going and so many monstrous events take place.

I urge everyone to at least rent the movie and watch it.  You will not be disappointed.

Iphone 5

Iphone 5

Here is a link for more information on the Iphone 5.

Is it just me or does the new iphone look like and ice cream sandwhich?
Well Apple has revealed the new iphone and it will be available September the 21st, which isn't too far away.

A lot of people have started yelling that the price will be from 500 to 800 dollars but this is not the case. The price ranges from $199 to $399 depending on the storage space you want.

I'm college broke so the prices are still monstrous to me but not as bad as $800.

Will you be going to the store to get your iphone September 21st?

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Loved Ones: Australia Horror

I came across this Australian gem of a movie at redbox and let me just say it was awesome.

The monstrous daughter/father duo known as Lola and Daddy made crazy look even crazier and i enjoyed every moment of it.  Let me give you a real brief summary of the movie:

When Brent turns down his classmate Lola's invitation to the prom, she concocts a wildly violent plan for revenge.
Let me just say there was a lot of violence and torture in this movie and i think it deserves a watch.

Glee: Fox's Monstrous Hit is Back.

Season 4 of Glee is set to premiere tonight at 8p.m on fox.

Since Glee has started it has been a monstrous hit and fans are ready to see how it continues on now that a majority of it's stars have graduated.  I would like to know this also but at least we still habe Britney and Blaine.

Tonight's episode is about Racheal though and i could care less but i do want to see the new characters and what they will bring to the table.  Tonight the kids take on Call me maybe by Carley Rae Jaepsen.

Are you ready for tonight's premiere?

Amanda Bynes "Monstrous Driver"

Amanda Bynes before and now

Well we all have heard the horror stories of Amanda Bynes and here monstrous driving but now there appear to be some pictures that may explain her inability to drive on her side of the road.

Photos have appeared that show Amanda Bynes smoking weed out of a pipe while driving.  No Bueno Miss Bynes: 1. Smoking weed while driving and 2. Driving with a suspended License.

What Happened to the innocent girl next door Amanda Bynes?  She just transformed into a Monstrous young lady.  I still believe the good girl is in her but for the moment she has taken a vacation.

Here's to hoping you get it together Amanda Bynes.

Check out Perez Hilton's take on the situation.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Eden Lake: British Horror

Poster for Eden Lake

Eden Lake is a thriller, suspensful movie made in Britian.

It tells the story of a couple who goes on a romantic vacation to enjoy each other and get away from their working lives.  While on their vacation they encounter a Group of Monstrous Teens who changes their lives forever.

The couple is terrorized throughout the whole time that they meet the monstrous kids.  This movie is so good and the ending is not a typical movie end.  I was so mad at the ending but the film is worth a watch.

Good Job Britian.

Man Gets 99 Years For Sex Assault

Eric Mcgown Mugshot

It takes a group of Monsters to do an act like Eric Mcgown, and a group of other men, did and be able to look at themselves in the mirror and not feel the guilt to even turn themselves in.

The victim, a young girl who was eleven at the time, was was sexually assaulted on at least five occasions from mid-September through early December of 2010 by 20 men and boys from her town.  After a tearful testimony from the girl a verdict was reached and read.

Mcgown wasn't in court for the verdict but out on bail and now he's on the run.

Hopefully he will be caught so he can serve his time for the act that he participated in.

Click here for more of the story.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/11 Anniversary

Image courtesy of Getty Images

Today is the anniversary of the monstrous 9/11 attacks that shook us up as a nation.  Lives were lost and family members lost husbands, wives, sisters, brothers, friends, parents, and children.

9/11 will never be forgotten and many may still be in the process of recovering and healing.

Prayers go out to everyone that suffered from 9/11.

Ian: Big Brother 14

Ian from Big Brother

I'm Team Ian until the end!

At the start of the season of Big Brother 14 i didn't really pay attention to Ian, I just knew he was really smart and had a crush on Ashley.  Well somewhere down the road Ian has Transformed into a Monstrous Player on Big Brother and he deserves to win.

It seemed that Frank would be the one to beat but not only did Ian get him evicted as hoh, he also got rid of Ashley- Frank's only Ally in the house.  Sidebar: What happened to Shane? I thought he would be a force at one point but he just fizzled down and he's almost on Jenn's playing ground.

Dan may think he's running the house and he's playing a good mind game as well but he really hasn't won many competitions like Monstrous Ian has and this week I hope Ian back doors him or at the least get rid of Jenn.  Jenn City hasn't done anything in the game but won one power of veto, it's time to go home Jenn.

For a recap of Sunday's episode click here.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D

Texas Chainsaw 3D

Who's ready for the Monstrous Monster know as Leather Face?  I know I am.  The Texas Chainsaw 3D is slated to release in January 2013, which isn't too far away.  I'm excited to see the havoc that leather face releases on his unsuspecting victims.

I am a little concerned about all these movies being released in 3D

The premise of Texas Chainsaw 3D is as follow:

A young woman travels to Texas to collect an inheritance; little does she know that an encounter with a chainsaw-yielding killer is part of the reward.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre also marks the acting debut of R&B artist Trey Songz. Fans are ready to see this song bird in his first film and how long he'll last.

Are you ready for Texas Chainsaw 3D?

The Hills Have Eyes 3

Scene from Hills have eyes 2

Wes Craven! What's going on with the third installment of The Hills Have Eyes?

The first two movie of this Franchise did so well at the box office that you would think a third movie would be made already but no!  Frankly I'm dying for a third one because i enjoyed the first two.

The first movie's premise went like this:
A suburban American family is being stalked by a group of psychotic people who live in the desert, far away from civilization.
The second movie's premise went like this:

A group of National Guard trainees find themselves battling against a vicious group of mutants on their last day of training in the desert.
I know they can come up for a premise for part three.  I want to see more of those Monstrous family members in the desert.  I know I'm not the only one.

Wes craven has spoken about a third installment and here's the link to the article.

The Descent 2

Photo from The Descent 2

Now available on Netflix "The Descent 2."  I enjoyed this gem of a movie the first time it was released a couple of years ago.  Now part two is on Netflix for all to watch yay!

In The first Movie we know that five girls go into a cave for a cave exploration and upon their descent they encounter Monstrous-monsters who have adapted to the dark and feed of anything that they come in contact with.  At the end of the Movie there is only one survivor.

Now part two:

Refusing to believe her story about cave-dwelling monsters, the sole survivor of a spelunking exploration gone horribly wrong is forced to follow the authorities back into the caves where something awaits.
If you've never seen either movie, I encourage you to watch both.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Most Dangerous Cyber Celebrity

Emma Watson

Watch out People!

According to reports from Internet company McAfee the monsters known as cyber criminals are using the lovely and beautiful Emma Watson to lure unsuspecting fans to harmful sites.

According to yahoo news female celebrities are used more by these monsters to trick people into visiting these harmful sites.

So be careful when you're viewing certain pages, especially one's with the Harry Potter Star!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Cast

Catching Fire Cast

The filming of Catching Fire, part two of the block buster Monstrous hit Hunger Games, is about to begin and everyone is dying to know who the new tributes will be in the movie.

For those of us whom have read the book knows the plot and the characters that are chosen for the 75th annual Hunger games.  For those of you who haven't I won't spoil anything but know there are some bad asses joining the games.

It was confirmed earlier that Johanna Mason will be played by Jena Malone.  You may remember her from the movie "sucker punch."  I love the character of Johanna and i pictured as a latina when reading the book but oh well.

The one role that everyone has been wanting to know is the role of Finnick Odiar and he will be played by Sam Claflin.  You may remember him from "Snow White and The Huntsman."

Of course Jennifer Lawrence, Liam Hemsworth, Josh Hutcherson, and some of your favorites, that weren't killed, will be coming back.

I'm so ready for this movie to hit the theaters.  For those who haven't read the book, Catching fire, her is a summary:

Against all odds, Katniss Everdeen has won the annual Hunger Games with fellow district tribute Peeta Mellark. But it was a victory won by defiance of the Capitol and their harsh rules. Katniss and Peeta should be happy. After all, they have just won for themselves and their families a life of safety and plenty. But there are rumors of rebellion among the subjects, and Katniss and Peeta, to their horror, are the faces of that rebellion. The Capitol is angry. The Capitol wants revenge.
For a full list of the cast for Catching Fire click here.

Friday, September 7, 2012

EarthQuake In Southwestern China

Soldiers carrying kids to safety

On Friday a monstrous Earthquake hit SouthWestern China and injuried over 700 people.  There are 80 known deaths but the death rate could rise.  According to Cnn news more than 6,600 homes were destroyed and about 430,000 damaged in Friday's quakes.

We send our prayers out to everyone who is affected by this eathquake.  The quake is reported to be 7.6 magnitude quake. 

For the full article click here.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The 2012 Video Music Awards

2012 VMA's

Tomorrow's the big night folks!  The 2012 Video Music Awards and we all know how monstrous of a good time they can be.  Let's not forget the whole Britney/Madonna/Christina kiss at the VMA's.

So what can we expect?  I'm not sure yet but I do know we get a sneak peek of the new twilight movie Breaking dawn part 2.

Aside from the awards we get plenty of performances.  Set to perform is Taylor Swift, Rihanna, Pink, One Direction, Demi Levato, Chris brown, Alicia keys, lil wayne,  and I'm pretty sure some surprise performances.

I'm excited to see and can't wait for the celebrity monsters to come out and play.

Jeepers Creepers 3

When is this movie coming out?

Everyone's favorite creeper has been gone too long and i'm waiting for his monstrous return.  If you remember from the first movie Trish's brother, Darry, was taken by the creeper and had his eyes removed for the creeper's use.

Fast forward 23 years and Trisha has a son whom she name after her brother.  Now she's having nightmares that the creeper is coming for her son so she goes out with another guy to stop the creeper once and for all.

Why is this movie taking so long?

Are you ready to see it as well?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Dark Fever. New York Times BestSeller

Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning
Dark Fever is a Novel i stumbled upon, courtesy my roommate, and let me just say this is a monstrously good book.

I have to purchase all the books now so i can figure out the mystery of Mac's sister's death, the mystery of Barrons, and the whole Seelie/Unseelie vs the humans plot.  I love this book and Karen Marie Moning did a great job at keeping the reader interested and invested in the storyline and the emotions of Mac.

If you haven't read the book or know what it's about here is a summary, according to the website:
MacKayla Lane’s life is good. She has great friends, a decent job, and a car that breaks down only every other week or so. In other words, she’s your perfectly ordinary twenty-first-century woman.
Or so she thinks... until something extraordinary happens.
When her sister is murdered, leaving a single clue to her death–a cryptic message on Mac’s cell phone–Mac journeys to Ireland in search of answers. The quest to find her sister’s killer draws her into a shadowy realm where nothing is as it seems, where good and evil wear the same treacherously seductive mask. She is soon faced with an even greater challenge: staying alive long enough to learn how to handle a power she had no idea she possessed–a gift that allows her to see beyond the world of man, into the dangerous realm of the Fae...
As Mac delves deeper into the mystery of her sister’s death, her every move is shadowed by the dark, mysterious Jericho, a man with no past and only mockery for a future. As she begins to close in on the truth, the ruthless V'lane–an alpha Fae who makes sex an addiction for human women–closes in on her. And as the boundary between worlds begins to crumble, Mac’s true mission becomes clear: find the elusive Sinsar Dubh before someone else claims the all-powerful Dark Book–because whoever gets to it first holds nothing less than complete control of the very fabric of both worlds in their hands...

If you read this book you will not be disappointed.  I can't wait until they make the movie because it will be monstrously good as well.

2012 Presidential Elections. Let The Monstrous Behavior Begin

Election Campaigns in Charlotte, N.C

The Presidential Elections are among us so you know the slander campaigns have started.

Let's just talk about the Issues and the platforms that you believe will help us become a better nation rather than who've done what and what the other party doesn't understand.  I feel like the elections have become a competition to see who will get the presidency and the candidates get so caught up in the title that they start displaying monstrous behavior by making the other candidates look less credible.

Tonight the Obama campaign will begin laying out its case for reelection, in prime time, in Charlotte N.C.  I just hope everyone discusses the issues and stop making it about what the other party's don't get or understand.  Let us figure out what the other party doesn't get because as a voter we're suppose to research and figure out who will be better in office for the well being of our nation.

I haven't followed the elections closely yet but i will research every candidate before i vote.  I never vote based off color, political party, gender, or religion.  I vote off the issues and how you will try to fix it with the best of your ability. 

Resident Evil: Retribution. A Monstrous Good Time

Guess who's back?

Alice is back to fight Monstrous Monsters, Zombies, and the evil Umbrella Corporation.
The movie hits theaters this September but it's still too far away for me.

I've been a fan from the beginning and Milla Jovovich is such a bad ass with this role that, in a way, i wish this movie could go on for ever.  I don't know the whole premise of this installment but since i seen all of them I know it will continue from where the last one finished.

Also why is  Michelle Rodriguez in this film? Didn't she die in the first one? She must be a clone that the Umbrella will try to use against Alice.

Enjoy the trailer and be sure to catch Resident Evil in theaters this month.

Milla Jovovich in Resident evil retribution

Resident Evil Retribution

Scene From Resident Evil Retribution

Milla Jovovich

Michelle Rodriguez

Resident Evil Retribution

Saturday, September 1, 2012

2NE1, Korean Pop At It's Best.

2NE1 (21)

My blog is about Monstrous Behavior and Attitudes around the world in different forms.  Just because i think something is monstrous doesn't mean it's evil or harsh, most of the time it is but not always, if that makes sense.

I love good music and good music doesn't come in a certain color, age group, nationally, or country.  With that being said, or typed, I bring you an Awesomely Monstrous Group by the name of 2NE1.  That's 21 and they're from South Korea and these young ladies are amazingly good at entertaining.  I recently just got into Korean pop and i don't understand most of the words but i do understand good vocals and a nice beat. 2NE1 does not disappoint on any level.  The vocals are great and the dance moves are out of this world. Can't wait until they come to the states.

My favorite song is a ballad called It hurts.  So beautiful!

If you haven't heard of them yet, check them out below.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Natalie Tran, Monstrous Tease!

Natalie Tran on Community Channel

Today I present to you Natalie Tran, founder of Community Channel on youtube and video blogger.

Miss Tran is from Sydney Australia and she post videos involving her making monologues in front of a camera, interrupted by skits acted out by herself.  Her videos usually mock the situations of everyday human interactions and occurrences from a very comical and hysterical viewpoint.

Let me just say I LOVE NATALIE and her videos. She's witty, funny, sexy, and has the cutest voice ever "HI."

So why is Natalie and Community Channel on monstrous monster you may ask?  Well, Natalie isn't evil or hateful (that we know of) but she is a tease!

And being a Monstrous tease earns you a spot on my blog Natalie, I love you!  She always says she's going to post a video in 4 days and 2 years later the new video arrives.  I was being a little dramatic there but it takes baby girl a long time to upload those videos.  She's getting better though.  she was also suppose to show us how to make a dish on one of her videos but we haven't seen it yet.

So Natalie Tran here's to you and all the times you have teased your fans, you are now a Monstrous Monster-don't hate me.

Check out her videos on youtube and some right here.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Battle Royal: Japanese Films Kick's Ass!

Battle Royal

You thought the Hunger Games were good wait until you check out Battle Royal.  This Japanese Film made its debut in 2000, before the hunger games, and it is currently available to watch on Netflix.

I happen to watch it and it became an instant favorite of mine, It's monstrously Good.  Here's the premise from IMBD:

In the future, the Japanese government captures a class of ninth-grade students and forces them to kill each other under the revolutionary "Battle Royale" act.

The act came to be after 800 students walked out of class and now they are forced to kill one another in 3 days with a collar around their necks that will detonate if they don't participate.  This movie was amazing and even though i had to read the subtitles, i still enjoyed it.

I would say give it a watch and check out the trailer below.

The Apparition: Once You Believe You Die

Ashley Green in The Apparition

The Apparition is approaching and from what I've been seeing I don't believe it's gone be a big Blockbuster hit, Sorry!

It Just doesn't seem Monstrous enough but it is Monstrous enough to make it on my blog.

The premise goes like this, according to the website:

When frightening events start to occur in their home, young couple Kelly (Ashley Greene) and Ben (Sebastian Stan) discover they are being haunted by a presence that was accidentally conjured during a university parapsychology experiment. The horrifying apparition feeds on their fear and torments them no matter where they try to run. Their last hope is an expert in the supernatural, Patrick (Tom Felton), but even with his help they may already be too late to save themselves from this terrifying force.
It stars Ashley Greene, from the Twilight Series, but i don't even think she can save this film because nobody really knows whats going on with this film and the previews aren't helping.  The only preview that i seen was Ashley Greene in a room and hands grabbing her face..THAT'S IT!

I wish it will but i don't think this is one ill visit in theater's.  Will you go see the movie?

"The Possession." A Monstrous Curse.

Natasha Calis in The Possession

The Possession is ready to hit theater's this friday and it looks like it will bring a monstrous vibe to those  who watch it.  I'm dying to see it myself.

Em, Natasha Calis, goes to a garage sell with her father and stumbles upon an antique box and asks her father to purchase it for her.  Little does she, or her father, know that the box contains a malicious ancient Spirit that is ready to take over a body and wreck havoc to those around it.

Now it's up to Em's Mother and Father to save her from this curse that has been unleashed.  I'm happy it's not a typical movie about possession but rather a curse.

Will you be watching this Friday?  Check out the clip below.

Big Brother 14: Dan Becomes A Monstrous Monster

Dan, Big Brother 14

Sunday was The HoH competition on Big Brother 14 and Against the odds Frank came out on top.  I wasn't a fan of Frank at first, because he got Janelle kicked out.  Come Back Janelle!  As much as i was still feeling anger towards him for that i have to respect Frank as a player in Big brother because he is fighting for his life, You hear that Jen?

Sunday brought out a lot of different personalities and one i didn't expect came from nice guy Dan!
Dan transformed into a Monstrous Monster during Sunday's night episode because he knew his safety in the game was about to end.

The first strike for Dan was during the Pandora's Box where an extra veto pass was up for grabs.  It started out promising but then Dan lost his s***.  When he didn't get the veto out from the gum ball machine he lied and said he won it but continued to look for change in order to try again.  Really Dan? Next he almost knocked Britney over to get an egg to get another chance.  Lastly he closed the door right in Britney's face when going to the room that held the veto pass, RUDE!!

Despite all the effort and monstrous behavior Dan did not win Veto, Ian did!

Now Dan has stepped it up and has stated that he will fight hard in the veto competition thats coming up and if he has to he will campaign hard against Danielle.

Let's see what happens Wednesday when a new big brother airs at 8p.m.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hurricane Isaac Picks Up Strength.

Hurricane Isaac

It's Hurricane Season already?  Well it's time to board up your houses or leave the area that the hurricane is prepared to hit.  This means Florida, New Orleans, and The Gulf Of Mexico.  Hurricane Isaac is about to touch land.

Monstrous Hurricane Isaac has already caused flooding, mudslides, and at the most eight deaths when it passed over Haiti.  According to the National Weather Service Hurrican Isaac will hit as a category 2 hurricane and can touch land late Tuesday or early Wednesday.

Hurricane Isaac will be the second major storm this year for Florida, the first was Debby.
Everyone be safe and take the necessary safety precautions to survive this storm.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Shooting Near The Empire State Building, Two Dead!

Shooting near the Empire State Building

I seriously don't understand what's going on in this day and time. 

According to ABC NEWS, Fifty-three year-old Johnson lost his job last year during a corporate downsizing at Hazan Imports. He returned to his office Friday morning to target his former supervisor.  It's been a whole year and now he reacts and not in a positive manner.  Johnson followed his former supervisor down the street and shot him outside of a bar.

Later Johnson was stopped by cops, after a witness called the police, and let out fire on them and he was then gunned down and killed.  Johnson and his supervisor were both killed and others were injured (supposedly by the cops by accident).

This kind of monstrous behavior never ends well and now a family is without a father and husband.  Always think first before you do something that can alter someone's life and your own.

For my information click here

Aokigahara "The Suicide Forest"

Body in the Aokigahara Forest

Aokigahara (don't worry i can't pronounce it either) is a monstrous forest in japan where people go to kill themselves.  The forest seems ominous and is a lonely place to go whenever you want to end your life.

Suicide is never a joke and this is really heartbreaking that so many people would go to this forest to kill themselves.  I don't know how hard it is in Japan but it's hard enough that they would go to this lengths to end their life.

Each year over 100 bodies are found and they're are even more that are not located.  Some remains that have been found still have clothes intacted, even though their just bones.

To everyone, specifically those in japan, suicide is not the answer.  Stay away from those monstrous woods.  Everything gets better in time.

For an article on the Aokigahan Forest click here

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day Care Workers Allow 3-Year-Olds To Fight

Tiana Harris, Estefania Myers, and Lisa Parker's Mug shot

Say what?  This is so despicable!  The three monstrous beings photographed above were arrested and face two counts each of second-degree assault and reckless endangerment as well as nine counts of endangering the welfare of a child and one count each of conspiracy.  According to NBC Philadelphia.

After a cell phone video surfaced of these monsters allowing 3 year old's to fight ,the day care was suspended and the women were arrested.  Rightfully so!

I don't know what kind of mothers these women are, if they are mothers, but child services should do an investigation.

So sad.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Pussy Riot Arrested For Performance Against Russia Government

The Band Pussy Riot

I don't know how i haven't heard of the band PUSSY RIOT before this incident.  Pussy riot is a Russian Feminist punk rock band based in Moscow.

On August 17, 2012 three members were convicted of hooliganism motivated by religious hatred from a performance they held in February showing their opposition to to the Russian President ,Vladimir Putin, and the politics of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Pussy Riot has gained many supports, such as Madonna, who believes their sentence is too harsh and cruel.  They are currently in jail and are being treated harshly in prison by the guards.

For a full Article click here

Why are they being sentenced so harshly and does that make the government officials of Russia monstrous for using their power to enforce a sentence that is unjust to prove a point to others?

I think so and what happened to expressing yourself and your beliefs in your political view?

Okpo Land, The Abandoned Amusement Park. Why Do Spirits Hang Around?

Okpo Land Roller Coaster

A place that i would love to visit is Okpo Land.  It's an Abandoned Amusement Park in Okpo City, Geoje Island, South Korea.  It has a really creepy setting, and eerie vibe, and a haunting back story.

Okpo Land closed in 1999 do to STRANGE ACCIDENTS.  A lot of the accidents haven't been told but the last accident that happend caused the amusement park to close. The last accident occurred when a young girl tragically fell to her death from a ride and immediately after that incident, the owner of the park disappeared and was never heard from again.

Many people try to visit this attraction and i hope to see it one day, I love Creepy things!  There hasn't been any sightings but with all the horrible accidents i wonder why not?

Some spirits are monstrous and their intentions are malicious and malevolent but some spirits are just lost and can't cross over.

Some people may experience a death scene so terrifying that the tragic scene is held in their mind. For example a young girl on a roller coaster ride falling to her death. The thought is so deeply set in the spirit's mind that it is unable to release the memory.  That fear may be so strong that it creates a barrier that prevents the person from passing over into the light. Since the spirit cannot cross over into the light it remains earthbound as a spirit. 

Which is why some spirits might stay around.  What do you think?

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Are Demons and Spirits A Part Of Our Reality?

Jesus casting out Demons

Okay I'm a believer in supernatural and spirtual things but have i experienced any of it? No!

I believe it can happen but i never witness it.  I had one experience where i woke up at night but i couldn't move my body and it felt like someone was sitting on me but noone was there.  My friends said it was a spirit or "The Witch riding my back" whatever that means.  I honestly think my mind just woke up but my body was sleep so i couldn't move.

Scientist calls this sleep paralysis 

Whenever something supernatural happens there always seem to be a scientific explanation for it so are demons and spirits a part of our reality?

I believe in it but i'm not sure because i haven't encountered anything.  However that's like saying "I believe there really is air around us but i never really seen it."

We know in the bible that demons exist because Jesus rose early one day of the week and appeared to Mary Magdalene driven seven demons out of her.  Not trying to go religious on you!

So what do ya'll think?

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

3 Dead After Shooting Near Texas A&M University. How Much Can One Person Take Before They Crack?

Thomas Alton Caffall Facebook photo

On Monday afternoon a shooting took place near Texas A&M University and three were killed.

The Gunman (Thomas Alton Caffall), the Law Enforcement Officer (Brian Bachmann) and another man near the campus.  It all began when Law Officer Brian Bachmann went to Caffall Home to serve him an eviction notice and the next thirty minutes was a shooting war.

I’m not entirely sure why the gunman felt the need to display violence because of an eviction letter but maybe it was something more that we’re unaware of. 

Caffall’s display of monstrous behavior ended badly for him and the two victims of his conduct.

The world is a cruel place, so how much can one person take before they crack and do something to themselves and others?

I’m not sure but there’s always another solution to your problems other than violence.