Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Big Brother 14: Dan Becomes A Monstrous Monster

Dan, Big Brother 14

Sunday was The HoH competition on Big Brother 14 and Against the odds Frank came out on top.  I wasn't a fan of Frank at first, because he got Janelle kicked out.  Come Back Janelle!  As much as i was still feeling anger towards him for that i have to respect Frank as a player in Big brother because he is fighting for his life, You hear that Jen?

Sunday brought out a lot of different personalities and one i didn't expect came from nice guy Dan!
Dan transformed into a Monstrous Monster during Sunday's night episode because he knew his safety in the game was about to end.

The first strike for Dan was during the Pandora's Box where an extra veto pass was up for grabs.  It started out promising but then Dan lost his s***.  When he didn't get the veto out from the gum ball machine he lied and said he won it but continued to look for change in order to try again.  Really Dan? Next he almost knocked Britney over to get an egg to get another chance.  Lastly he closed the door right in Britney's face when going to the room that held the veto pass, RUDE!!

Despite all the effort and monstrous behavior Dan did not win Veto, Ian did!

Now Dan has stepped it up and has stated that he will fight hard in the veto competition thats coming up and if he has to he will campaign hard against Danielle.

Let's see what happens Wednesday when a new big brother airs at 8p.m.

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